August saw two events valuable to pet food brands and private labels if they intend to penetrate the China pet food market. One was Petfood Forum China 2019 last August 20 and the other was Pet Fair Asia 2019 from August 21 to 25. Both events were held in Shanghai. Addiction Pet Foods CEO Jerel Kwek shared insights on the trends in China’s pet food market during the forum. He imparted strategies and tips on how pet food brands can succeed in China.
In the forum, Jerel said that “China is a completely different market”. He focused his presentation on pet food buying habits of the market. He shared that Chinese pet owners are now very particular about what formulation and ingredients go into the pet food. As the article pointed out, Jerel’s points and information “were supported by the products and marketing displays” on display in Pet Fair Asia. Front and center are pet food ingredient trends ranging from “organic raw materials” to provenance to novel proteins and specific ingredient brands.
As it is, it looks like China is ready for the global pet food market. Check out the full article found in to read all about it.