There are many protein alternatives you can choose from when getting into the pet food business. Know the proteins available for your private label pet food and check out if your private label partner have them for your product.
Choosing the best proteins for your dog food or cat food will justify your private label’s being premium. Remember, the trend is that the current market composed of millennials onwards go for premium and do not mind spending as long as they get their money’s worth.*
Best protein sources for dogs
Fish. You might think fish are for cats. But no. Not at all. It’s an excellent source of protein for dogs, especially if it’s salmon which is high in omega-3 fatty acids for skin health.
Real meat. The most natural protein source for dogs. Dogs are descended from wild, carnivorous canine ancestors whose digestive system was designed to eat real, raw meat. Real raw meat that can be found in dog food are beef, chicken, venison, lamb, duck, and turkey.
Eggs. Some pet food brands have dried eggs as their ingredients. You might want to know if your private label partner have it just in case it’s part of your recipe.
Cheese. Also a great protein source, cheese are usually found in dog treats.
Best protein sources for cats
Fish. As mentioned, salmon is the best protein source for pet food and it’s high in omega-3 fatty acids for healthy skin and fur.
Real meat. Cats are picky so lamb, chicken, and turkey are real meats which you can include in your private label cat food. Check with your private label partner.
Other protein sources
Plant-based proteins such as potatoes, peas, grains. Some protein sources are not easily digested by dogs and cats like meat by-products as they contain meat from the 4Ds–dead, diseased, dying, disabled. If you’re gunning for a premium private label pet food, you wouldn’t want to use by-products that are considered useless and might harm dogs and cats.
Addiction Foods Private Label might be the right partner for you. Our food technologists and nutritionists will help you refine your recipe to perfection. We have access to nature’s pantry right in New Zealand, the cleanest place on earth to manufacture and source pet food. Start your journey with us!
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