As human food trends become more prevalent across industries like pet food manufacturing, with it comes the dawn of new buzz words among consumers that manufacturers and retailers need to take notice of.  

Concepts like snackification, alternative proteins, small player mindset, and personalized nutrition are slowly becoming brand requisites among consumers looking for premium products out in the market.  

But among these, none is more urgent for manufacturers and retailers to address than adhering to evergreen consumption and their verifiable provenance.



Understanding ‘evergreen’ and ‘provenance’ 


By definition, “evergreen consumption,” as coined by Mintel in their analysis of global food and drink trends in 2019, is a circular, holistic view of sustainability that stretches the entire lifespan of a product – from growing and harvesting to sourcing, to manufacturing up to recycling, and back to growing new resources. 

On the other hand, “provenance” refers to the source of where key ingredients in manufacturing come from.

With the exponentially growing demand for premium pet food nowadays comes the equally demanding need to identify how responsibly and safely these ingredient sources are kept, maintained and replenished for future consumption.  

This opens into a lot of questions on the level of sustainability that pet food companies are currently addressing, for them to have a wider, more sensical understanding of the manufacturing cycle, with regards to both environmental and generational impacts. 



Looking for the right evergreen partner  


Finding the right partner is key to your aspirations of penetrating new pet food markets through a private label. 

At Addiction Foods, our commitment to produce the finest-quality dry food and treats under a private label are translated into the highest food safety standards using free-range meats and organic produce, to offer the ideal pantry of the purest ingredients. 

This means that three core features stand out in Addiction’s private label processing: 


RESPONSIBLE & VERIFIABLE SOURCING. Using only natural and high-quality ingredients from trusted local sources assures partners that every bag of pet food produced through Addiction Foods Private Label is made with the best meats and fruits, seasoned with the freshest herbs.   

Unlike mass-producing manufacturers, your private label with us will use wild or free-range meats that are not subject to growth hormones and steroids but are instead raised in a stress-free environment.  

This ensures that all our recipes contain no artificial preservatives, flavors, fillers or by-products and are sustainably sourced from verifiable suppliers.



INNOVATION. While technology and innovation play an important part in producing superior pet food – our plant being the most technologically advanced and largest dry pet food manufacturing facility in New Zealand – the Addiction Foods manufacturing hub was purpose-built to push the boundaries of dry pet foods beyond what other manufacturers can offer.  

Likewise, Addiction Foods is one of only a few manufacturers able to include very high levels of fresh meat injection through a unique extrusion process that makes our pet food high in protein and extraordinarily palatable. 



GREEN PROCESSING. Addiction Foods is also one of only a handful of pet food companies that actively participate in the green movement.  

As part of an in-house eco-friendly philosophy, Addiction and our suppliers procure kangaroos and brushtails – known to be major agricultural pests – as an alternative to farming traditional meat sources that contribute to deforestation and destruction of our ozone layer.  

Aside from shrinking food production’s carbon footprint, together with partners, we embrace the need for sustainability and ethical practices by joining forces with organizations like Monterey Bay Seafood Watch, to advocate sustainable fishing methods and inspire procedural changes in pet food manufacturing on a deeper level.



Evergreen consumption is here to stay.   

This means pet food manufacturers and retailers must see to it that the partnerships they enter can also address key issues like sustainability and sourcing, aside from producing nutrient-rich, high quality foods and treats.  

It’s important to choose partners for your private labels wisely.   

Choose Addiction Foods Private Label and get the benefits of world-class pet food production that’s bound by its high-quality standards and environmental ideals every step of the way. 


Discover what Addiction Foods Private Label can do for you.  

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